Research, data & information
Supporting small-town America and rural & growing communities
Research, data & information
Supporting small-town America and rural & growing communities
Supporting small-town America and rural & growing communities
Supporting small-town America and rural & growing communities
We provide economic information services and research to support local & regional economic development, business site selection, feasibility analysis, business plan development, business & public policy decision making, nonprofit mission development, grant writing, and general information & research needs anywhere in the US.
Our focus is s
We provide economic information services and research to support local & regional economic development, business site selection, feasibility analysis, business plan development, business & public policy decision making, nonprofit mission development, grant writing, and general information & research needs anywhere in the US.
Our focus is small-town America and our goal is to make research, information & data affordable and available for planning & decision making in rural, small-town & growing communities.
Online library of current and historical economic data for your county, city, town, or place, including population (estimates & projections), traffic counts, visitor counts (state & national parks), labor force, employment, unemployment, nonfarm jobs by sector, employer business establishments by sector, employer payroll, non-employer statistics, occupational employment & wages, average hours & earnings, personal income, gross domestic product, major industry sales, agriculture stats, new residential construction permits, bank deposits, bankruptcy filings and more!
Check out these samples:
Our actively managed, content-rich economic development websites start at just $799 a year (with no startup or website development costs ever). Premium websites ($999 a year) include a community asset inventory: the first step in asset-based economic development and a valuable resource for planners, site selectors, business managers, developers, grant writers, nonprofits, and others who rely on data & information for planning & decision making.
Includes domain name, website development, hosting, webmaster services, active site management & continuous improvement.
P.O. BOX 1574, TOMBSTONE, AZ 85638, US